Will There Be A Third World War? Wars and Rumors of Wars!

Will There Be A Third World War? Wars and Rumors of Wars!



Albert Pike’s 1871 Plan For The Three World Wars

In 1871 Albert Pike envisioned three World Wars to be followed by an unparalleled economic disaster.   Pike’s plans have come to fruition, shockingly ‘on target’.  Who is Pike and perhaps more importantly who backed Pike?


Albert Pike’s letter to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871:
  • The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.”
  • The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.”
  • The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”


“What is the New World Order?”

 The New World Order is a conspiracy theory which posits a new period of history bringing about a major change in the world with the balance of world power. This New World Order is theorized by some to involve a group or groups of elitist people bent on ruling the world through a single worldwide system of government. The appeal of this New World Order lies in its proposal to free the world of wars and political strife, and its promises to eradicate poverty, disease, and hunger. Its purpose is to meet the needs and hopes of all mankind through worldwide peace.

Also labeled the new “era of globalization,” this New World Order will supposedly do away with the need for diverse world governments. This will be accomplished by the installation of a one-world political system or body. One means to achieve this is by eliminating all lines and borders demarcating the nations of the world. To effect all this change, it is believed that the New World Order will emphasize tolerance through the promotion and acceptance of other cultures and their values and ideologies. Its ultimate goal is a sense of unity and oneness with all people speaking the same language. Other objectives include the use of a single, world-wide currency, as well as oneness in politics, religion, and moral values. As a result, conspiracy theorists believe, the world will be under one rule, that of one government that promises worldwide peace, the absence of war, and the elimination of all political unrest.

Though it may be agreed that man needs hope in order to endure this life and have peace of mind, the problem lies in where man searches for such hope. The Scriptures are clear concerning all these things. As Christians, we are commanded to obey and respect those in authority, including our government. However, we can easily see that there are some severe consequences of such a New World Order, both from an economic and a religious standpoint (Romans 13:1-7; Acts 5:29).


“What is the Illuminati conspiracy?”

 The Illuminati conspiracy is a conspiracy theory which holds that there is a “global elite” society that is either in control of the world or is seeking to take control of the world. As with most conspiracy theories, beliefs regarding the Illuminati conspiracy vary widely. As a result, it is virtually impossible to give a synopsis of the Illuminati conspiracy. Popularized in recent books and movies, the Illuminati conspiracy has definitely reached “cult fiction” status.

If one were to attempt to summarize the Illuminati conspiracy, it would go something like this: The Illuminati began as a secret society under the direction of Jesuit priests. Later, a council of five men, one for each of the points on the pentagram, formed what was called “The Ancient and Illuminated Seers of Bavaria.” They were high order Luciferian Freemasons, thoroughly immersed in mysticism and Eastern mental disciplines, seeking to develop the super powers of the mind. Their alleged plan and purpose is world domination for their lord (who precisely this lord is varies widely). The Illuminati are alleged to be the primary motivational forces encouraging global governance, a one-world religious ethic, and centralized control of the world’s economic systems. Organizations such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the International Criminal Court are seen as tentacles of the Illuminati. According to the Illuminati conspiracy, the Illuminati are the driving force behind efforts to brainwash the gullible masses through thought control and manipulation of beliefs, through the press, the educational curriculum, and the political leadership of the nations.

The Illuminati supposedly have a private board of elite, interlocking delegates who control the world’s major banks. They create inflations, recessions, and depressions and manipulate the world markets, supporting certain leaders and coups and undermining others to achieve their overall goals. The supposed goal behind the Illuminati conspiracy is to create and then manage crises that will eventually convince the masses that globalism, with its centralized economic control and one-world religious ethic, is the necessary solution to the world’s woes. This structure, usually known as the “New World Order,” will, of course, be ruled by the Illuminati.

Does the Illuminati conspiracy have any basis from a Christian/biblical perspective? Perhaps. There are many end-times prophecies in the Bible that are interpreted by most to point to an end times one-world government, a one-world monetary system, and a one-world religion. Many Bible prophecy interpreters see this New World Order as being controlled by the Antichrist, the end-times false messiah. If the Illuminati conspiracy and the New World Order has any validity and is indeed occurring, for the Christian, there is one fact that must be remembered: God has sovereignly allowed all these developments, and they are not outside of His overall plan. God is in control, not the Illuminati. No plan or scheme the Illuminati develop could in any way prevent, or even hinder, God’s sovereign plan for the world.

If there is indeed some truth to the Illuminati conspiracy, the Illuminati are nothing but pawns in the hands of Satan, tools to be manipulated in his conflict with God. The fate of the Illuminati will be the same as the fate of their lord, Satan/Lucifer, who will be cast into the lake of fire, to be tormented day and night, forever and ever (Revelation 20:10). In John 16:33 Jesus declared, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” For Christians, all we need to understand about the Illuminati conspiracy is summarized in the words of 1 John 4:4, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”


“Does Bible prophecy predict that there will be a World War 3 (III, three) before the end times?”

There is no doubt that world war will be a part of the future. Christ plainly taught that there would be war prior to His return (Matthew 24:4-31). Some hold that He spoke generally of the Church age in verses 4-14 and spoke of the tribulation period starting at its mid-point in verses 15-31. Others believe that Christ spoke of only the seven-year period known as the tribulation in verses 4-31. Though verses 4-14 do seem to be giving general descriptions, they parallel the description given early in Revelation 6, which records details concerning the beginning of the tribulation. Matthew 24:6-7 says there will be “wars and rumors of wars…For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes.” Here, Christ makes it very clear that war will play a significant role in the last seven years prior to His return.

To be more specific, the future does hold at least one more world war. There is nothing in Scripture that says there will be only a certain number of world wars. World Wars I and II are not explicitly mentioned in Scripture, nor is a possible third World War. It is only the last war that is mentioned in detail, which allows the interpretation that there may be others before the final conflict.

John the Apostle was shown what the end times would be like, specifically the last seven years prior to Christ’s return. Beginning in Revelation 6, he recorded what he saw concerning the future. War is found in this chapter, and continues to be a part of the unfolding events until Christ returns in chapter 19 (Revelation 6:2; 4; 11:7; 12:7; 13:4, 7; 16:14; 17:14; 19:11; 19:19).

Revelation 19:11 says, “. . . in righteousness He [Christ] judges and wages war.” Revelation 19:19 says John “saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies, assembled to make war against Him (Christ) who sat upon the horse, and against His army.” Take special notice that it says the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against Christ. This clearly describes a world war. It also should be noted that the victor in this war is clearly Christ, who seizes the beast/antichrist and the false prophet and casts them into the lake of fire, and the armies that followed them are destroyed (Revelation 19:20-21). So, although there will be at least one more world war, there is no doubt of the outcome—righteousness will prevail as Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords, defeats all who oppose Him.

It is also worth mentioning at this time that following the 1,000-year reign of Christ, there will be another uprising which could possibly have the scope of a world war. Satan will be bound for 1,000 years and then released. Upon his release, he leads a rebellion among the peoples of the earth. Christ quickly puts down this rebellion and permanently judges Satan, casting him into the lake of fire as He did with the beast/antichrist and the false prophet (Revelation 20:7-10).


The Jesuits would control both sides of the conflict

It’s was cause by the Illuminati and Freemasonry. They tried even then to World Order.

1859 + 70 Civil war was planned in the 1790.s to use, SLAVERY as a trigger for the coming invasion of Europe and Civil war to keep us busy. Rothschilds funds both north and one family of Rothschilds funded the south. Divide and conquer use of the hegelian Dialectic to foment wars. Lincoln (Rothschids) balked and started caring toward the end of his life and the Masons took him out with Mary Todd’s approval and help. Todd was an Illuminati family line linked with Astor.

Smedley D. Butler (1881-1940; Major General, U.S. Marine Corps, retired; double Medal of Honor recipient)

“The war [i.e., the American Civil War of 1861-1865] would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits.” – Abraham Lincoln

“The Jesuits would control both sides of the conflict [i.e., the American Civil War] as they did during the Napoleonic Wars. They controlled the radicals in the North, particularly Thaddeus Stevens in the House [of Representatives], Charles Sumner in the [U.S.] Senate, and Freemason Edwin Stanton, Lincoln’s Secretary of War. They also controlled the leadership in the South, particularly President Jefferson Davis and Judah Benjamin, the [Confederate] Secretary of War.” – Eric Jon Phelps (author of the outstanding book Vatican Assassins)

“The Jesuits, in control of the ‘Radical Red Republican Party’, insured [i.e., ensured] the election of [Abraham] Lincoln by disrupting the Democratic convention in Charleston with their Masonic tools – Stephen Douglas in particular.” – Eric Jon Phelps

((Ed. Comment: The Jesuits clearly wanted the American Civil War to take place. One had to wonder whether they simply wanted to split the Union and make tons of money in the process, or whether they wanted to split the Union, make tons of money, and bleed both sides in the conflict as much as possible. Why would the Jesuits want to do that? It is because they hate religious liberty and popular, representative government.))

“…The Jesuits with their [control of] Freemasonry created the ‘radical secessionists’ in the South. They would hotly promote the withdrawing of the Southern States from the Union. Two Freemasons who were radical secessionists were John C. Calhoun and Robert Toombs.

…The greatest and most powerful American Freemason at this time [of the American Civil War]…was the evil Albert Pike. As the Sovereign Grand Commander of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and Confederate General, Albert Pike was to the War Between the States what Frederick the Great [another top-level Mason] was to the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.” – Eric Jon Phelps

Yes, the evil people who fomented and orchestrated the American Civil War failed to dissolve the Union. So they settled for ripping out important rights from the U.S. Constitution and setting up a very powerful central government in the United States – a government that would be much easier for them to “manage”. Space does not allow this editor to cover a lot of the Reconstruction measures that created the strong central (federal) government that we see today in the United States. The purpose of this issue of TTT has been to show that sinister and evil elements have worked, and continue to work, behind the scenes to foment and orchestrate wars in order to advance their own agenda. These same elements work today in America!

The purpose of this issue has been to show that sinister and evil elements have worked, and continue to work, behind the scenes to foment and orchestrate wars in order to advance their own agenda. These same elements work today in America!

Trump Warns 15,000 Troops Could Be Sent to Southern Border to Block Caravan

“US President Donald Trump said Wednesday during comments at the White House that 15,000 US troops could be deployed to the US-Mexico border to block the migrant caravan from entering the country. That’s more US soldiers than are presently deployed in Afghanistan.”




Xman – Former Marine Says Muslims Are Coming Across The U.S Mexico Border And Its Not Good



Mexican Troops Invading Arizona Border Shooting American Citizens Video


This is an effort to start a civil war by the elites. They are using the Hispanic community and will never give them AZLAN. To neutralize this effort, Mexicans, Whites, and African Americans in each group, AZLAN planning committees, Black Panther Party, Tea Party, Restore America planning committee, stop, and work together. I saw this in Kosovo, UN and Intl kept each group in discord and not for peace. out of chaos comes order

Yes, Once again. Russians and Cubans are in Cuba preparing to enter Florida and La, once the evacuation begins. Russians and Chinese and about 12-14 or so Divisions of a Mexican Militia (350,000) will cross along a front covering southern Ca to La. The area between La to Florida will be covered by Russians and Cubans. Chinese will invade in the Oregon and Washington Area, Russian Airborne units will deploy in the Montana, Wyoming and Colorado areas securing the Denver Airport. Russians and Italians or Germans I forget which will sweep from Canada to the Chicago and secure this capital for region 5. The UN will secure the Northeast. There are over 2 million UN troops inside the US today working with our govenment under the MJTF (Multi-jurisdictional Task Force) to take weapons. Former Felons from California [releasing 40,000 to 50,000 in small groups since December), trained in the Christian Identity Program (new age racist program) to be assigned as the American National Police Force as authorized by the new Health Care Bill, Obama’s National Police Force. Its the protocol of the new Age nazi movement. It’s documented not speculation. Now, the CIA will orchestrate a crime wave using Merc’s and MS-13/ZETA nationwide. This crime wave will be designed to create a dangerous situation for the “tribes” or “private survivalist” groups from succeeding and living. This will justify a harsh martial law and taking of weapons. I saw this in Kosovo while I watched us support Muslim terrorist from 1999 to 2004 cleanse Serbian Orthodox Christians with murder, rape and intimidation.

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