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Everyone may eventually be implanted with a microchip, overlaid with text that will become part of coronavirus vaccines. This is the suspicion of most people. Would this really happen soon? Watch to the end to decide for yourself.


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Nothing about this is okay. Unless you worship Satan. What are Christians thinking about this? No chip for me! The Mark of The Beast!!  Can’t change God’s Word.

 It’s coming. Get right with Jesus. Stand against this Beast system and its mark.


“The Glass House Tapes” by Citizens Research and Investigation Committee and Louis E.  Tackwood, 1973

Development and Legal Regulation of Coercive Behavior Modification Techniques with Offenders

Inspired, perhaps by the pentagon papers, someone in the bureaucracy of the federal government has smuggled out a Xeroxed nightmare made available to C.R.I.C.: A 92 – page monograph – whose official title is “Development and Legal Regulation of Coercive Behavior Modification Techniques with Offenders” . 

Development and Legal Regulation of Coercive Behavior Modification Techniques with Offenders.

Schwitzgebel, Ralph K.

This monograph provides information about behavior change techniques of relevance to the treatment and handling of offenders. Since behavior modification techniques focus on behavior and since most offenses involve observable behavior, these techniques are remarkably well-suited for integration into the criminal justice system. The author describes the major behavior modification techniques of classical and operant conditioning, aversive suppression, and electronic monitoring and intervention and discusses significant research related to these techniques. In examining the legal regulation of offenders, he notes the inconsistent and vague statutory standards among the States, the poorly defined administrative standards, and the need for judicial intervention to protect the offender’s rights covered in provisions on cruel and unusual punishment, due process, equal protection, and privacy. (Author/LAA)

Descriptors: Behavior Change, Classical Conditioning, Controlled Environment, Correctional Institutions, Correctional Rehabilitation, Court Litigation, Criminals, Due Process, Imitation, Institutional Administration, Laws, Learning Theories, Legislation, Operant Conditioning, Prisoners, Relaxation Training, Sensitivity Training, Social Problems

Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 ($.45)

Department of health, education and welfare who financed its preparation. 


excerpt from that book……………


Feb 71”

A miniaturize radio transmitter, implanted inside the brain or body, can monitor and transmit the conversations, locations, even the sexual responses of the subject

Schwitzgebel, Ralph K.


Development and Legal Regulation of Coercive Behavior

Modification Techniques with Offenders.


Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass.; National Inst. of

Mental Health, Bethesda, Md. Center for Studies of

Crime and Delinquency.


Feb 71

A miniaturize radio transmitter, implanted inside the brain or body, can monitor and transmit the conversations, locations, even the sexual responses of the subject, twenty-four hours a day. 

“Under these conditions, animals have been taught to increase or decrease heart rate, intestinal contractions, stomach contractions, urine formation, and electrical brain waves.” Either direct electrical stimulation of the brain or escape from mild electrical shock has been used as a primary reinforcer. In some instances, clear and extreme

physiological changes can be produced using this process. Some

success has also been obtained in training epileptic patients to

suppress abnormal paroxysmal spikes in their electro -encephalo-

grams.” As Miller notes, “While it is far too early to promise

any cures, it certainly will be worthwhile to investigate thoroughly the therapeutic possibilities of improved instrumental training techniques.”  


“One State, Nebraska, requires church attendance on parole and three other States recommend it.'” Apparently the purpose of this condition of parole is to strengthen or otherwise modify the parolee’s religious beliefs so that his recidivism will be reduced practice of questionable effectiveness. In contrast, a Utah statute prohibits treatment directed toward changing the religious beliefs of persons receiving mental health services.  It reads: “It shall be a felony to give psychiatric treatment, non-vocational mental health counseling, case-finding testing, psy-choanalysis, drugs, shock treatment, lobotomy, or surgery to any individual for the purpose of changing his concept of, belief about, or faith in God.” 363″   Pg 59


“What is the mark of the beast?”

The main passage in the Bible that mentions the “mark of the beast” is Revelation 13:15-18. Other references can be found in Revelation 14:9, 11, 15:2, 16:2, 19:20, and 20:4. This mark acts as a seal for the followers of Antichrist and the false prophet (the spokesperson for the Antichrist). The false prophet (the second beast) is the one who causes people to take this mark. The mark is literally placed in the hand or forehead and is not simply a card someone carries.

The recent breakthroughs in medical implant chip and RFID technologies have increased interest in the mark of the beast spoken of in Revelation chapter 13. It is possible that the technology we are seeing today represents the beginning stages of what may eventually be used as the mark of the beast. It is important to realize that a medical implant chip is not the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast will be something given only to those who worship the Antichrist. Having a medical or financial microchip inserted into your right hand or forehead is not the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast will be an end-times identification required by the Antichrist in order to buy or sell, and it will be given only to those who worship the Antichrist.

Many good expositors of Revelation differ widely as to the exact nature of the mark of the beast. Besides the implanted chip view, other speculations include an ID card, a microchip, a barcode that is tattooed into the skin, or simply a mark that identifies someone as being faithful to the Antichrist’s kingdom.


Revelation 13:15 – 13:18

Revelation Chapter 13

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.


“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.”
(David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)

While the quote is unsourced and commonly referenced on the Internet, Spangler makes a similar statement from his book, Reflections on the Christ, where on page 45 he writes:

“Lucifer comes to give to us the final gift of wholeness. If we accept it then he is free and we are free. This is the Luciferic initiation. It is one that many people now, and in the days ahead, will be facing, for it is an initiation in the New Age.”

The quote comes from Reflections on the Christ,” quoted in Unicorn in the Sanctuary, by Randy England, 1978. Look it up yourself. It’s true.  The actual quote from Reflections on Christ is: “Lucifer comes to give us the final Luciferic initiation that many people now and in the days ahead, will be facingfor it is an initiation into the New Age. No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian initiation.”

This Spangler quote is actually from the book – ‘Re-imagination of the World’.


21 May 1991 – “Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all people of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.”

 – Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberger meeting at Evian, France,. Transcribed from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates.


June 1991 – “We are grateful to The Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.

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