Video Mark of Beast Technology

Video Mark of Beast Technology


The Truth About The Fallen Angels – (Bible Stories Explained)

They’re Coming!!!!



Pastor Billy Crone speaks on Bible Prophecy, World Religions, Cults and the Occult, Charismatic Chaos, Abortion, Modern Technology, The Rapture, and more. This is a bible based Educational Channel for the believer and non believer.


Like the Former Soviet Union, America Has Lost its Freedoms

If it’s true that we get the government we deserve, then a lot of Americans must have been very, very bad.

The American central government has gotten drunk on power, overwhelming all its citizens with a glut of needless debt, unjust wars, draconian laws, and an ominous new generation of “police” who look less like Andy Griffith and more like a military incursion from some macabre Orwellian nightmare.

The founders of the United States — including my ancestor who signed the Declaration of Independence — foresaw the dangers we now face, and they gave us tools that were intended to protect us from the horrors we are now experiencing. They enshrined these protections in law — in the Bill of Rights — and these protections are now being trampled upon by the government officials who are entrusted with upholding them.

The United States Government has traumatized its own people, terrorizing them to the point of inactive stupor, herding them into a slavish state of compliance to a sadistic government that cares nothing for their souls, their lives, or their future.

The excuses have been many. Claiming threats from terrorism, pandemics, drugs, and the environment, our handlers in Washington have taken acid to the Constitution, all in the name of protecting “national security” and keeping all of us “safe”. 



Jesus is coming


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