Stop being distracted. Focus on eternity.

Pa Miller

Stop being distracted. Focus on eternity.

Beware of the disciples of Satan. 😈

Did you read the Bible?

Remember the garden? What happened when Eve believed the lie?
She spread the lie to Adam, remember what God did after Adam believed the lie?

Every….Man received a death sentence and it was passed on to all man.📍

God in His loving mercy said I will provide a sacrifice for man so our relationship can be restored.

God became human flesh.
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mary. Born in a manger in Bethlehem.
He grew to be a young man.
He was without sin because He is God and was chosen to be
the perfect blood sacrifice for sins so you and I can be cleansed of sins.

Remember reading when
Jesus was crucified bled and died on the cross and was buried in a tomb and arose from the grave the third day and defeated death for sinners. ❓

When this happened: “Many believed in Jesus miraculous defeat over death and accepted Him as their Lamb of God which took away their sins and now they can go to heaven because God doesn’t see their evil satanic sins because Jesus cleansed them from all sins.”📍

✔️ Will you tell God you are sorry for your sins?

✔️Will you trust in the precious blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse your sins?

✔️You have a choice before Jesus the “Author of Life”
returns for His church which is any moment now.

✔️Jesus went to prepare a place for us. He went up in the clouds, He will return in the clouds for those who place their faith in Him.

✔️We will all die.
✔️We spend eternity with Jesus or in the lake of fire.

📍If you are not sure where you will spend eternity, then you aren’t going to heaven and you have believed and been deceived by another lie from the serpent which was in the garden.📍

📍There are many disciples of the devil working to take souls with him into the everlasting fire where there isn’t a drop of water to cool the tongue for eternity? Luke 16

📍All are Sinners. Romans 3:23
📍All sinners must pay for sins or they must allow Jesus to cleanse them by His precious blood on the cross. Romans 6:23

📍Believe the gospel and escape the coming judgement for rebellion against God!
1 Corinthians 15:1-4

‼️You will die!
Have you seen anyone defeat death other than Jesus who is God in the flesh?

‼️Get serious about your eternal destiny now.


You will remember this message in the future.

Will you watch from heaven or be in hell begging for a drop of water? Luke 16

Perhaps Beheaded?

I saw America ordered guillotines.

Too late! I lose my head a long time ago and now I think of Jesus all the time.

Surely being persecuted for Christ is nothing compared to what He suffered to save me.

Oh those precious memories…and now totally consumed with “The Blessed Hope.”

Be not afraid. They can destroy the body but not the soul……. I’m ready.

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