HSE Finally Admit That Covid19 Has Not Been Scientifically Proven To Exist

HSE Finally Admit That Covid19 Has Not Been Scientifically Proven To Exist




The virus does not exist; even de new version that has been ‘found’ in the UK does not exist. Why? Because they can not find any scientific proof that confirms it existence and they did not isolate it via the Koch method. This is a very important issue, because they cannot manufacture a vaccine for a virus in the first place, because this is never done. Even for the HIV virus is never a vaccine produced. But because this virus is never isolated via the Koch method, it is impossible to make an vaccine that will be acceptable to take. The people that have taken it have severe problems, side effects like death, paralyzed and other big health problems. People who still have confidence in their governments and leaders, who are mostly psychopaths have to question their own mental abilities. It is really extremely dangerous to take the vaccine!


Via: Nino Proia COVID-19 Under Scrutiny in a court of law…

 “Scientist” – COVID-19 is responsible for the pandemic your honor!

Judge – How did you reach this conclusion?

“Scientist” – We used a test and tested for genetic sequences and we found anomalies your honor!

Judge – How do you know that the COVID-19 virus is responsible? Have you seen (isolated) the virus in the genetic material?

“Scientist” – No your honor!

Judge: Has COVID-19 been seen (isolated) before and/or after the infection?

“Scientist” – no your honor!

 Judge: So there is no photographic or video-graphic evidence of any kind (the virus being isolated) of the COVID-19 virus on its own or in action?

“Scientist” – No your honor we have never isolated (seen) the virus, nor have we seen it in action!

Judge – Even if you isolated the virus (which you haven’t) how would you know that it would be responsible for making one sick?

“Scientist” – Well we just assume that, as we believe in germ theory (which has been disproven) and we need it in order to sell our drugs and vaccines your honor!

Judge: So there is no evidence of the existence of the COVID-19 virus at all, is that what you are saying?

“Scientist” – Well no, but we know it’s there because the tests indicated anomalies in the genetic sequences!

Judge: So the tests don’t actually test the presence of COVID-19, only the alleged effects of COVID-19 on genetic sequences?

“Scientist” – Yes that’s correct!

Judge – So, you are testing for a virus that you haven’t proven to exist based on variations in genetic sequences that have supposed anomalies, due to the virus you’ve never found or seen (isolated)?

“Scientist” – Yes, I guess!

Judge – So how can you test positive for a virus you’ve never seen (isolated) or proven to exist? How do you know the virus you’ve never seen (isolated) is responsible for the supposed anomalies in the genetic sequencing? (If you’ve never seen it.)

“Scientist” – We are basically making unsubstantiated claims based on our presuppositions your honor!

Judge – So you want me to convict COVID-19? How can I convict something that hasn’t been proven to exist, and that has never been isolated? Show me COVID-19!

“Scientist” – We can’t your honor!

 Judge – Case dismissed!

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