




Were the sons of God in Genesis 6 fallen angels? Who were the Nephilim?


While the Bible doesn’t offer the exact number of angels, the hosts could outnumber people. Of all the multitudes of angels God created, fallen angels comprise one-third. Satan keeps demons in bondage to his will: corrupting humans to separate them from God.

The Group of the Masters is called the Hierarchy or Community, fallen Angels, and is headed by a very advanced being who is called by different names: the Khalki Avatar, the Lord Maitreya, Imam Mahdi, the Prince of Peace, Krishna, the Christ, and Bodhisattva. We are told that every century He calls all the Masters to a great meeting in order to be impressed anew as a group by the Purpose of the Solar Lord, and to penetrate a little further into it, adapting and modifying the former Plan for humanity and for the other kingdoms. Thus They modify and change the Plan age by age, according to the progress of humanity, the incoming new energies, the Hierarchical progress and new planetary and solar demands.

The preparatory work of externalization, therefore, falls into three phases or stages, as far as relation to mankind is concerned.

This second group will implement the new religion; by the time they come into the control the old theological activities will have been completely broken, Buddhism will be spending and belonging increasing dogmatic; Christianity will be in a state of chaotic divisions and upheavals. When this takes place and the situation is acute enough, the “Master Jesus” will take certain initial steps towards reassuming control of “His Church”; the Buddha will send two trained disciples to reform Buddhism; other steps will also be taken in this department of religions and of education, over which the Christ rules, and He will move to restore the ancient spiritual landmarks, to eliminate that which is nonessential, and to reorganize the entire religious field – again in preparation for the restoring of the Mysteries, when restored, will unify all faiths.


For some time, fallen angels or Hierarchy, ever since 1425 A.D., or the move took place. The Hierarchy has been aware that the time would come when this projected move would take place.

Members of the Hierarchy, whether working in the early stages or later when the true externalization takes place, will work as members of the “ human “ family and not as proclaimed members of the kingdom of God or of souls, known to them Hierarchy. They will appear in office of some kind or another; they will be the current politicians, business men, financier, religious teachers or churchmen; they will be scientists and philosophers, college professors and educators; they will be the mayors of cities and the custodians of all public ethical movements. At have seen in many ways that the Hierarchy, because it is the Ashram of Sanat Kumara, himself or “Satan“; new sense under the influence of his nature.


Thus a great and new movement is tremendously increased interplay and interactive is taking place. This will go on until AD 2025. During the years intervening between now and then very great changes will be seen taking place, and at the great General Assembly of the Hierarchy – held as usual every century – in 2025 the date in all probability will be set for the first stage of the externalization of the Hierarchy. The present cycle, from now until that date, is called technically “The Stage of the Forerunner”. It is preparatory in nature, testing in its Methods, and intended to be revelatory in its techniques and results. Its seen that Chohans, Masters or fallen Angels, initiates, world disciples, disciples and aspirants affiliated with the Hierarchy are all at this time passing through a cycle of great activate.

The Fallen angels (The Hierarchy), are coming out of the woodwork in various forms. Ray-el is one an avatar or actual fallen angel, either way its a link to the preparation for the externalization of the Hierarchy THEY say will be around 2025 AD.


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