Did you know all 44 US presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into office

Did you know all 44 US presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into office


FDR knew this, but how many of you understand this?

It’s okay for a president to come out and tell you the game is rigged, but if someone like myself tried to tell you…. “oh, you’re a conspiracy nut”…. “my vote still matters”.

All your vote did was make you morally culpable for the atrocities being carried out in your name.

The president is nothing but a puppet on the throne for those who are really in power. Do you think maybe FDR knew a thing or two about this?

Even a brief view into history reveals the parasitic manner in which the ruling class has infiltrated the US government to ensure that their status quo will remain. Their NWO plan will continue to unfold regardless of who the president is.

The lie is in thinking it makes a difference whether it was Bernie, Hillary, Trump, Biden, Putin, etc…..

And……. Did you know all 44 U.S. presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into office? 34 have been genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne, the brutal eighth century King of the Franks. 19 of them directly descended from King Edward III of England. In fact, the presidential candidate with the most royal genes has won every single American election.

American Presidential Bloodlines  and


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