Beware A Satanic Revival Is Happening – “WAKE UP, BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE”

Beware A Satanic Revival Is Happening – “WAKE UP, BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE”

The KJV Is beyond the most accurate

How I Know That The King James Bible Is The Word Of God

Why the King James Bible of 1611 Remains the Most Popular Translation in History

King James Version

A Brief History of the King James Bible

How is the Bible inspired? What does it mean for the Bible to be inspired?

Has the Bible been corrupted, changed, or tampered with?

Is the Bible really the Word of God?

This Will SHOCK You! (Watch it in FULL screen!)

THE NEW EYE OPENER 200 changes examined

The Real Bible Version Issue EXPOSED! (Full HD Video)

Facts about Westcott and Hort

Facts about Westcott and Hort


Beware A Satanic Revival Is Happening – “WAKE UP, BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE”


“The people who can see Satan in everything aren’t LOOKING to see Satan in everything.  They are AWAKE to the DECEPTION because he IS in everything.  The people who can’t see it are walking WITH the WORLD and don’t want their ILLUSION destroyed because they would have to CHANGE their WALK!” 


James 4:4 – Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.


1 John 2:15–17

15 eLove not the world, neither the things that are in the world. fIf any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world, gthe lust of the flesh, and hthe lust of the eyes, and ithe pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17 And kthe world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth lthe will of God abideth for ever.

Exposing the evils of this world will make you an enemy of many “professing” Christians because you are treading upon that which they truly love.   


Luke 14:26-27  King James Version (KJV)

26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

27 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.


John 12:25  King James Version (KJV)

25 He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.


Luke 14:26-27  King James Version (KJV)

26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

27 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.


Joel_2:28  And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

Act_2:17  And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:


The KJV Is beyond the most accurate.  It is according to God and History to prove out the ONLY word of God.  It is the word of God spoken in the Bible itself.   The changing of words now is not the rule.  The changing of words in their current definition is not the rule but the corrupted versions.    We have to study ourselves approved by using the definition of the word THEN and not now.   The Changing of the definition to current definitions is not of God……The newer translations were purposely corrupted by two Freemasons named Westcott and Hort between 1870’s to 1890’s to set up all the newer versions.   no exceptions exist. 


How I Know That The King James Bible Is The Word Of God

There are many good works that one can read on the authority of the King James Bible, and this particular effort offers nothing really new. However, it does attempt to explain the issue in a simple and brief manner for all to understand. Over the years I have learned a great deal about this issue, and I believe that a truth worth learning is a truth worth telling. Many preachers and teachers across our land talk about “preferring” and “using” the KJV, but I haven’t heard them speak much about BELIEVING it. Many prefer it and use it, because that’s what their congregations prefer and use, but they do not BELIEVE it to be the infallible words of God. They are taught in college to USE, PREFER, and RECOMMEND the KJV, but they are NOT taught to BELIEVE it. Most “Christian colleges” teach that the King James Bible is only a translation, and that NO translation is infallible. Consequently, the average minister today uses a Book which he doesn’t even believe. Now, I thank God that I don’t have that problem. I don’t have to play make-believe with anyone about the word of God. I believe it. I believe the King James Bible is the preserved and infallible words of God. It doesn’t merely “contain” the word of God: it IS the word of God. I’m absolutely sure of it, and I’d like to give a few reasons why. Here are twelve reasons how I know that the KJV is the word of God: God Promised to Preserve His Words Psalm 12:6-7 says, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” Then we read in Psalm 100:5 that “. . . . his truth endureth to all generations,” and Jesus said in John 17:17 that God’s WORD is truth. These words state very clearly that God’s preserved word MUST be available to us today, because God PROMISED to preserve it for us. There MUST be an infallible Book somewhere. You say, “But ALL translations are God’s word, not just one.” That’s impossible, because the various translations contain different readings, and God is not the author of confusion (I Cor. 14:33). Besides, if all of the versions are the word of God, then where are the “corrupt” and “perverted” versions that we are warned about in II Corinthians 2:17 and Jeremiah 23:36? If everyone is innocent, then where are those who are said to be GUILTY of subtracting from and adding to the word of God (Rev. 22:18-19)? God wouldn’t have warned us about Bible perversion if it wasn’t going to be a reality. According to the scriptures, there must be a single Book that is the word of God, and there must be MANY which are involved in CORRUPTING the word of God. Now, if the Authorized Version isn’t the infallible word of God, then WHAT IS? There has to be a Book somewhere in “all generations” which is God’s word; so what book is it? Those who “use” the new versions believe that these are good and reliable translations, but they do NOT believe these to be INFALLIBLE translations. However, I know MANY people who believe the King James Bible to be an infallible Book. Why? Because they know that the One True God has ONE TRUE BOOK. He promised to preserve His words, and we believe that He has done just that. Jesus said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:35). If His words didn’t pass away, then where are they? I want to read them. There has to be a perfect volume somewhere. I know the King James Bible is the word of God because God promised to preserve His words. The Authorized Version Was Translated Under A God-Ordained English King The main subject of the Bible is the kingdom which God intends to give to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who will be crowned “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS,” according to Revelation 19:16. Ecclesiastes 8:4 says, “Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?” Unlike the modern versions, the KJV was translated under a king. In fact, the king’s name was “James,” which is the English word for “Jacob,” whom God renamed “Israel,” because he had power with God and with men (Gen. 32:28). The new versions have been translated in America, which is not a monarchy. God’s form of government is a theocratic monarchy, not a democracy. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that His word would be translated for the English speaking people under a monarchy with an English king. I know the King James Bible is the word of God because it was translated under a king. Because It Has No Copyright The original crown copyright of 1611 does not forbid anyone today from reprinting the Authorized Version. It was only copyrighted then for the purpose of allowing the printer to finance the publication. For nearly four hundred years now we have been printing millions of copies of KJV’s without requesting permission from anyone. Over eight-hundred million copies of the Authorized Version have been printed without anyone paying royalties. This cannot be said of any of the new translations. The new “bibles” are the work of MEN, but the KJV is a divine work of the Holy Spirit. The term “Authorized” has traditionally been applied to the King James Version alone, for this is the one Book which the Holy Spirit has blessed and used for so long. The fact that it bears no copyright allows printing ministries throughout the world to print millions of copies each year for the mission field. I know the King James Bible is the word of God because it has no copyright. Because God Always Translates Perfectly The words “translate” and “translated” occur three times in the Bible, and GOD is the Translator each time. The scholars insist that the KJV cannot be infallible, because it is “only a translation.” Do you suppose that such scholars have checked II Samuel 3:10, Colossians 1:13, and Hebrews 11:5 to see what GOD has to say about translating? In II Samuel 3:10 we are told that it was God Who translated Saul’s kingdom to David. We are told in Colossians 1:13 that Christians have been translated into the kingdom of Jesus Christ, and Hebrews 11:5 tells us that God translated Enoch that he should not see death. God was the One doing the translating each time. What’s the point? The point is that a translation CAN be perfect, if God is involved in the translating. When the New Testament writers would quote the Old Testament (Mt. 1:23; Mk. 1:2; Lk. 4:4; Jn. 15:25; Acts 1:20; 7:42; I Cor. 2:9; Gal. 3:13, etc.), they had to TRANSLATE from Hebrew to Greek, because the Old Testament was written in Hebrew, but THEY wrote in Greek. So, if a translation cannot be infallible, then EVEN THE NEW TESTAMENT IN THE “ORIGINAL GREEK” ISN’T INFALLIBLE, because it contains translations from the Hebrew text! Obviously God assisted them in their translating by the leadership of the Holy Spirit, and He assisted the King James translators as well. The scholars will never understand this, for most of them have QUENCHED the Holy Spirit in their own lives by looking to higher education for truth, rather than seeking the Lord’s leadership (Jn. 16:13). The Holy Spirit Who inspired the word of God through “holy men of God” (II Pet. 1:21) is quite capable of guiding His servants to KEEP the words which Jesus told us to keep (Jn. 14:23). In essence, the KJV translators were merely INSTRUMENTS which God used in translating and preserving His word. In fact, they said this themselves in the Dedicatory to the Authorized Version: “. . . . because we are poor instruments to make God’s holy truth to be yet more and more known to the people. . . “ I know the King James Bible is the word of God, because God is very capable of using anyone He pleases as His very own instruments of righteousness in order to preserve His word. Because It Produces Good Fruit The Lord Jesus said that every good tree will bring forth good fruit, and we can know them BY their fruits (Mt. 7:17-20). God had the KJV translated for the purpose of bringing forth fruit, and it has been very obedient to the call. The greatest preachers of the past four centuries have been King James Bible believers. Billy Sunday is said to have led over one million people to Christ, and he was a KJV believer. Spurgeon, Moody, Whitfield, and Wesley were all KJV men, and the list goes on. God has richly blessed the ministries of such men as these because they stayed busy OBEYING His word rather than questioning its authority. The KJV produces good fruit. I was led to Christ with a King James Bible. Nearly every Christian I know was led to Christ with a KJV. Why? Because it produces good fruit. The new translations produce EVIL fruit. The modern perversions of scripture are producing infidels who do not even know what the word of God is, much less where to find it. The new translations produce spiritual babies who are totally incapable of discussing Bible doctrine. The new versions produce NEWER versions, which produce MONEY for the publishers, and I Timothy 6:10 tells us that the love of MONEY is the root of all EVIL. The Holy Spirit doesn’t bear witness to the modern translations, but He DOES bear witness to the King James. I’ve always believed the KJV to be God’s word, even before I was saved. No one ever told me to believe this, but the Holy Spirit just bore witness to the King James–not the others. After being saved, I spent several years of my Christian life not being aware of the big debate going on these days between King James Bible believers and New Age Version believers. The whole time I believed only ONE BOOK to be God’s word, and even then I was suspicious of the new versions, although no one had told me to be. When I discovered that over eighty percent of the “Christian” schools in our nation do not believe the KJV to be the word of God, I was shocked. How is it that one comes to believe the KJV naturally, but must be EDUCATED OUT of his belief in it? Why is it that King James believers are accused of following men when GOD is the One Who led them to believe it? Why do opponents of the KJV accuse us of following men, when THEY are the ones who allowed MEN to talk them out of believing the KJV? The KJV produces good fruit, because the Holy Spirit bears witness to it like no other book in the world. It’s easier to memorize than any new version, and the beautiful old English language gives the reader the impression that he is reading a Book very different and far superior to the rest. It reads different because it IS different, and it IS different because it has a different Author. We shall know them “by their fruit”, and I know the King James Bible is the word of God, because it produces GOOD fruit. Because the King James Translators Believed They Were Handling the Very Words of God One can see this truth by reading the Prefatory and Dedicatory remarks in the Authorized Version. These men didn’t believe they were handling “God’s message” or “reliable manuscripts.” They believed they were handling the very words of God Himself. As I Thessalonians 2:13 says, they “. . . . received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.” Like the serpent of Genesis 3:1, modern translators approach the scriptures in skepticism, saying, “Yea, hath God said?” This was the first recorded sin in the Bible, and it still runs rapid through the hearts and minds of most scholars and new version promoters. God has always allowed such people to be DECEIVED because of the IDOLS in their hearts (Ezek. 14:1-9; II Thess. 2:10-12; I Kings 22). A man who lacks faith in God’s word is in no condition to translate it. This eliminates every revision committee in the past one hundred years, because these committees have consisted mostly of highly educated men who were heady, high-minded, and proud, thinking that their intelligence qualified them to tamper with the pure words of God. The KJV translators were not like this. Their scholarship FAR EXCEEDED that of modern translators, yet they remained humble and allowed God to use them in order to produce an infallible masterpiece. They didn’t set out to “judge” and “correct” the word of God. Their purpose was to translate God’s word for the English speaking people, as they were told to do by their appointed king. I know the King James Bible is the word of God because the KJV translators believed it themselves. Because the King James Translators Were Honest In Their Work The critics of the KJV enjoy making a fuss about the words in italics, which were added by the translators, but the argument is entirely unnecessary and unfair. The italic words in the KJV actually PROVE that the translators were honest in their work. When translating from one language to another, the idioms change, thus making it necessary to add certain words to help the reader grasp the full meaning of the text. When the KJV translators added such words they set them in italics so that we’d know these words were added, UNLIKE we find it in so many new versions today, which do NOT use the italics. Besides, no one has ever PROVEN that the italic words are not the words of God, because no one has “the originals” to check them with. In fact, we know for sure that the translators were led by the Holy Spirit to add at least some of the italicized words. One good example of this is found in II Samuel 21:19. When the translators came to this verse in the Hebrew text, they noticed that an exact translation would give Elhanan credit for slaying Goliath, but we know from I Chronicles 20:5 that he actually slew THE BROTHER OF Goliath. So the KJV translators added the words “the brother of” to II Samuel 21:19. If the Lord had not led them to do so, then II Samuel 21:19 would contradict I Chronicles 20:5 (as it DOES in the New World Translation!). Another fine example is I John 2:23. The last half of the verse was missing at the time, but the KJV translators inserted it anyhow (in italics), feeling that it was necessary. This naturally disturbed many people, but since that time new manuscripts have been found which CONTAIN the last half of I John 2:23. The translators were RIGHT in adding the italicized words. One last example of the Holy Spirit’s guiding influence on the KJV translators is found in Psalm 16:8, which says, “I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” As you can see, the words “he is”are in italics. According to many scholars they should be omitted, but according to the Apostle Peter they should NOT be omitted. Peter quotes Psalm 16:8 in Acts 2:25, and he USES the italicized words! How did the translators know this if the Lord didn’t lead them? The italics in the King James Bible are the marks of an HONEST translation, for no one added these words to mislead us, or to change the word of God. They added the words to help us, and they set the words in italics so we’d know they were added. That’s honesty. I know the KJV is the word of God, because the translators were more honest in their work than any of the modern Bible translators. Because All New Translations Compare Themselves to the KJV The new versions do not compare themselves with each other, because they’re too busy comparing themselves with one Book–the King James Bible. This fact alone proves that there is something very special and unique about the KJV. Why does everyone line up in opposition AGAINST the King James Bible? Why not attack one another? That’s easy: Satan has no desire to divide his own kingdom (Mt. 12:26). His desire is to discredit the word of GOD, not himself; so he attacks only one Book, God’s Book, the KJV. Those who oppose the KJV are unsure of themselves, for they have no Final Authority; so they despise those of us who DO have an Authority. They’re unstable, insecure, dishonest, and very inconsistent. They’re all TERRIFIED of One Book, the KJV, and they’ll stop short of nothing in their efforts to rid the Body of Christ of that Book. I know the KJV is the word of God, because it’s the standard which all others use for comparison. Because of the Time in History in Which It Was Translated The King James Bible was not translated during the apostate and lukewarm Laodicean church period, like the new translations. The Laodicean period is the last church period before the Second Coming of Christ. It is the last of the seven church periods in Revelation chapters two and three. One can clearly see that we are living in the Laodicean period today by simply comparing modern churches to the church of Revelation 3:14-22. This lukewarm period began toward the end of the 1800’s and will continue until Christ returns. The new versions fit well into the lukewarm churches, because they are lukewarm “bibles.” The Authorized Version, however, was translated LONG BEFORE the Laodicean churches appeared. It was translated during the Philadelphia church period, which is the best church period of all. It was this church that the Lord Jesus COMMENDED for KEEPING HIS WORD( Rev. 3:8-10)! In 1611, when the King James Bible was completed, the scourge of lukewarm Laodicea had not yet swept over the world. There was no “scientific” crowd around in 1611 to put pressure on the translators. There was no civil rights movement going on at this time to influence the work of these men. The women were not screaming for “equal rights,” and the humanists and socialists had not yet taken control. The massive army of liberal and modernistic preachers had not yet been assembled. The open public denial of God’s word and the Deity of Christ was practically unheard of among ministers. It wasn’t until the twentieth century that professing Christianity became flooded with lukewarm preachers who would be willing to compromise the word of God for self gain. The greatest missionary work in church history occurred between 1700 and 1900, so it makes perfect sense that God would have a Bible ready for this great work, and He did – the KJV. Unfortunately, the new translations appeared a bit LATE on the scene! Think about that. I know the KJV is the word of God because of the time in history in which it was translated. Because No One Has Ever Proven That the KJV is Not God’s Word Any honest American should know that innocence is supposed to prevail in our land until guilt is proven. The KJV should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Has anyone proven it guilty? No. Has any scholar actually PROVEN that there are errors in the King James Bible? No. Enemies of the KJV delight in IGNORING the facts about the Authorized Version, while never PROVING anything. All apparent “errors” in the KJV can be explained through prayer and a careful study of the scriptures, but the opponents of the KJV aren’t interested in looking for TRUTH; they’re interested attacking God’s word, while never proving anything. I know the KJV is the word of God, because, over nearly four hundred years, no one has proven otherwise. Because of the Manuscript Evidence Only a very deceived individual could believe that the new versions are equal to the King James Bible. Ninety-five percent of all evidence SUPPORTS the text of the King James Authorized Version. The new versions are supported by the remaining five percent evidence. The new “bibles” are supported by two very corrupt fourth century manuscripts, known as the “Vaticanus” and the “Siniaticus.” These manuscripts are filled with many text alterations to meet the demands of Roman Catholic tradition. They also include the Apocrypha, which the Lord Jesus Christ EXCLUDED from the Old Testament in Luke 24:44. All new versions contain readings from these corrupt manuscripts, and all new versions use their tiny five percent evidence to attack the ninety-five percent majority text of the King James Bible. The Textus Receptus (received text) from which the King James Bible came can be traced clear back to Antioch, Syria, where the disciples were first called Christians and where Paul and Barnabas taught the word of God for a whole year (Acts 11:26). The other “bibles” do not come from Antioch. They come from Alexandria, Egypt, and from Rome. We don’t need an Egyptian version, for Egypt is a type of the WORLD in the Bible. God called His people OUT of Egypt (Exod. 3-14), and God called His Son out of Egypt (Hos. 11:1 with Matt. 2:13-15). Why, the Bible says that “every shepherd is an abomination unto the Egyptians” in Gen. 46:34, and the Lord Jesus Christ is called a SHEPHERD in John chapter ten. Alexandria, Egypt, is associated with SUPERSTITION in Acts 28:11, and Aquilla and Pricilla had to set an Egyptian straight on his doctrine in Acts chapter 18. Alexandrians are also found DISPUTING WITH STEPHEN in Acts 6:9. So we don’t need a “bible” from Alexandria, Egypt. Then there’s the Roman text, also called the “Western Text.” We can also do without a Roman “bible”, because it was ROMAN soldiers who nailed our Lord to the cross. The harlot of Revelation 17 is a perfect description of the Roman Catholic Church, which has persecuted Christians for thousands of years. Romans persecuted the Christians in Acts18:2, and in 70 A.D. the Romans destroyed Jerusalem. Rome is the “dreadful and terrible” beast of Daniel chapter seven, and Christ will destroy the “Revised Roman Empire” at the Second Coming (Dan. 2; 7; and Rev. 13). It has been estimated that Rome is guilty of the blood of some 200 million people who have rejected her corrupt system. A “bible” from Rome is another thing we can live without. There’s only one line of manuscripts that we can trust, and this is the line from Antioch, called the “Syrian” or “Byzantine” type text. The word of God speaks POSITIVELY of Antioch, and NEGATIVELY of Rome and Egypt. We should TAKE THE BEST AND DUMP THE REST! I know the King James Bible is the word of God because of the manuscript evidence. Because It Exalts the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus said, “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: And they are they which testify of me.” John 5:39. A REAL Bible will testify of the Lord Jesus Christ. The true word of God will always EXALT Jesus Christ, and it will NEVER attack Hid Deity, His Virgin Birth, His Blood Atonement, His Bodily Resurrection, His Glorious Second Coming, or any other doctrines concerning His Person. However, the new versions attack ALL of the fundamental doctrines concerning the Lord Jesus Christ at one time or another. By perverting the many important verses of scripture which deal with the fundamental doctrines of Christ, the new “bibles” have a CONTINUOUS ATTACK launched against our beloved Savior, and this is NOT an overstatement! His Virgin Birth is under attack in Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:34, and Luke 2:33. His Blood Atonement is under attack in Colossians 1:14, Acts 20:28, Ephesians 1:7, and Revelation 1:5. The Bodily Resurrection is under attack in Acts 1:3, Luke chapter 24, and the last twelve verses of Mark. His Deity is under attack in Acts 10:28, John 9:35, and I Timothy 3:16. The new versions attack the Second Coming in Revelation 11:15, and Titus 2:13, and the list goes on, because the new versions have an extreme bitter HATRED toward the Authorized Version and the way it gives the Lord Jesus Christ the preeminent place. If the reader doubts this, we challenge you to take whatever version you want and compare the above verses in it to the same verses in the King James Bible. If you still doubt it, after checking the verses, then write us and we will send you a great many more references to check. The new “bibles” have a very consistent record of attacking the Lord Jesus Christ; so they cannot possibly be “the scriptures” that He said would testify of Him in John 5:39. They testify AGAINST him. The King James Bible NEVER attacks our Lord. More than any book in the world, the Authorized Version of the Protestant Reformation EXALTS the Lord Jesus Christ. If we had no other reason for receiving the Authorized Version as the word of God, this reason alone should be enough to convince any true believer, for how could we not become suspicious of the new versions for making such changes? I know the King James Bible is the word of God because it always exalts the Lord Jesus Christ.

Copyright © 1994 James L. Melton


Why the King James Bible of 1611 Remains the Most Popular Translation in History

In 1604, England’s King James I authorized a new translation of the Bible aimed at settling some thorny religious differences in his kingdom—and solidifying his own power.

But in seeking to prove his own supremacy, King James ended up democratizing the Bible instead. Thanks to emerging printing technology, the new translation brought the Bible out of the church’s sole control and directly into the hands of more people than ever before, including the Protestant reformers who settled England’s North American colonies in the 17th century.

Emerging at a high point in the English Renaissance, the King James Bible held its own among some of the most celebrated literary works in the English language (think William Shakespeare). Its majestic cadences would inspire generations of artists, poets, musicians and political leaders, while many of its specific phrases worked their way into the fabric of the language itself.

Even now, more than four centuries after its publication, the King James Bible (a.k.a. the King James Version, or simply the Authorized Version) remains the most famous Bible translation in history—and one of the most printed books ever.



King James Version

The King James Version is a translation named after King James I of England who commissioned the new English Bible translation in 1604 A.D. King James ‘authorized’ the new translation to be read in churches in England and beyond after it was first published in 1611 A.D. Later known as the ‘Authorized Version’ in 1814, the King James Version became a standard among English-speaking Christians.

The King James Version is considered one of the most accurate English translations in existence. A skilled committee of 54 translators worked for 7 years to carefully complete the King James translation project.

The translation is most noted for its poetic feel – prose that seems to flow with a certain rhythmic quality. The book is cited as the most published book in world history with a significant influence on literature and culture. It is estimated that more than 1 billion copies of the King James Version have been published.

The English from the original 1611 published version is noticeably different than the newer 1769 version, as the English has been updated for modern readers. People who are unfamiliar with the English language in the Elizabethan and Jacobean era can easily mistake the 1611 King James Version writing style for spelling errors. The same can be said for other writings of that era as well, for example Beowulf.

It is widely recognized that the King James Version has made a significant impact on the English language and it continues to leave impressions on people and culture.

Read the original 1611 King James Version online…

Read the standard King James Version online…



The King Bible so much. It is the real true words of God from the creation of this world,and dealing with all the people,from lucifer to the end by telling people these are the words of God,and to never change them.. My reasons begins with Faith in His words, It is a book of priceless treasure,the 1611 is beautiful how the words are written,but it goes much deeper than that beauty which sets it apart. and I see why the man King James was chosen who had this book written, King James was a very credible man on. God chose him to do this . King James was not perfect in body or mind, but his heart and soul was pure though Jesus and he through his heart in sincerity. And He showed this through his total faith in God, No other man on earth could have done this task. and from research a bit on the birth of this bible and the hands that touched this Bible tells me This King James are the truth Of God he has written from Jesus’s inspiration. The other Bibles have been touched by evil, and that alone tells me none of those are good.. it stops right there. Jesus has given me gifts from this King James Bible, from signs. and this is a Blessing from my total faith in His true words, The knowledge I have gotten is priceless. I can be repetitive and say The King James is the only true words of God, just because it’s “in” bible to read. But the reasons are imprinted in my heart. Many of course give the entire history to prove the KJV are His true words, and I suppose it needs to be for the unbelievers. But mine reasons extend more from faith and viewing from the inside spiritually than materially. When people start changing, manipulating Jesus’s words, that is when trouble begins.

Jesus show’s His awesome love for us, by giving us this Clean book of His words, for us to live.

Revelation 1:8

King James Version (KJV)

8I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Genesis 1

1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Revelation 22

19And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

20He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

21The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

There is only one true Bible that has 97% of the copies of the original scrolls written by the eyewitnesses going back to Genesis and passed on by John to the Waldeneses, to the Christians in Antioch, to the Alps to become the Textus Receptus. Origen of Alexandria made his own version and a corrupted version or translation was taken from these. Its important to know because the translation that Origen made to corrupt the true word of God became the basis for the Latin Vulgate. First passed from Origen to Eusebius after 325 AD and out of these 50 Bibles The Latin Vulgate Bible Written by Jerome was derived. The true words of God from the copies of the Originals finally made it to King James to fast forward here. Then a Godly man as evidenced by his own letters to his son and his history that is true not corrupted by Masons and lying Jesuits; King James I assembled about 47 or 48 scholars of the day; actually more but they didn’t actually participate in the work. An intricate process and using scholars of the day fluent in Hebrew, Greek, Latin and English translated the true stream of translation which would be the Textus Receptus. They were prepared by God from even their Birth as God promised to preserve his word and God was in command here. They assembled the manuscripts, and were exact copies of the manuscripts from Antioch it comprised about 98% of the evidence. This group of superstars you might say, rejected both the Old and New Testament that Origen worked on back in Egypt due to its being corrupted. This included the Roman Catholic Latin Vulgate and Rheims (1582) and Greek Septuagint or Bible of Alexandria, Egypt.

There is more but this is an undisputed series of true history that is documented. We must get the true word of God out that comprises the King James Bible of 1611. Even Modern copies of the KJV after about 1990s has been slightly manipulated by making capitals small letters that would be Spirit vs spirit which in context would make a massive difference. In 1875, Westcott and Hort (Two masons and actual warlocks) corrupted even Origen’s versions from 1875 to 1890 to made up all the modern versions we have today other than the King James Bible. That is to say ALL OF THEM, the NIV being the worse Bible on the market. This Bible is copyright owned by Rupert Murdock; owner of Fox TV, and parishner of Rick Warren, new Ager and self admitted CFR member; a real heretic. Rupert Murdock also owns the copyright to SATAN’s Bible.

This statement is not correct as I have found.

“The irony goes further. King James did not encourage a translation of the Bible in order to enlighten the common people. His sole intent was to deny them the marginal notes of the Geneva Bible. The marginal notes of the Geneva version were what made it so popular with the common people.”

The marginal notes of the Geneva Bible were not God inspired and went against Romans 13 which was against the word of God. The common people rejected the Bibles brought to them by the Jesuits from Spain under Loyola. This was so significant that Spain corrupted by the Roman Catholic versions that Spain launched an attack against England in 1588, to make them become Roman Catholic. The Armada was lost to English Guns and a nasty sea destroyed the fleet of over 300 ships. England was saved unlike France from becoming Roman Catholic. In 1603 you know that King James became King of England and this is what happened.

This quote was also in error:

“The King James Bible was, and is for all practical purposes, a government publication. There were several reasons for the King James Bible being a government publication.”

They were careful to translate perfectly the copies of the originals to the true word contained in the KJV Bible.

thought that you might want to know.

Lucis Trust’s headquarters is in Geneva.. This is the headquarters of ALL “theosophy” and especially “John Calvin”. The Geneva bible’s “laws” are based on John Calvin as well. That is what this country and ALL countries are based on.. Calvin WROTE that bible.. Same as Jack Van Impe and Ellen G. White and ALL the so-called “ministers” have written their own “translations”, and that’s how they’re able to corrupt their followers.. The Geneva Bible had notes in the side that were not God inspired. John Calvin had a heretical theological and he murdered many as did the The Roman Catholic church, about 68 million people from 1200 AD to 1800 AD.

But, ALL the churches are based on theosophy, ALL of them

The United Nations was formed by Lucis Trust, and the National Association of Churches are through them as well. Lucis Trust is also behind the Occupy New York movement.

It’s not hard to connect ALL of it to what they call “new Age”, which we know is the “OLD AGE of Saturn”

The KJV Is beyond the most accurate.  It is according to God and History to prove out the ONLY word of God.  It is the word of God spoken in the Bible itself.   The changing of words now is not the rule.  The changing of words in their current definition is not the rule but the corrupted versions.    We have to study ourselves approved by using the definition of the word THEN and not now.   The Changing of the definition to current definitions is not of God……The newer translations were purposely corrupted by two Freemasons named Westcott and Hort between 1870’s to 1890’s to set up all the newer versions.   no exceptions exist. 

The King James literally the only true translation based on scrolls and manuscripts obtained by the 47 translators, and placed in three locations to go over each chapter and verse 14 times.  No mistakes.   The second Bible was made up by Origen from Alexandria Egypt.     He perverted the word of God and Origen was pagan.   This Bible laid the groundwork for all Bibles we have today all the way to 1870’s when two Freemasons named Westcott and Hort further corrupted the model for all Bibles we have today after 1901.    ALL BIBLES.    The King James Stands alone as EVIDENCE CONFIRMS.   I teach this every opportunity I get on the radio program.   For example. I challenge you to find these 17 verses in the NIV.   Its not the same as the KJV, notice the verses missing makes it decisively different.   The same for every other Bible that is in existence. I can go over each one and prove that they are substandard.   However, If you really want to know so can you.   Sorry but your info is totally wrong;    I will not allow this kind of thinking go without objecting and telling the truth and correct all these deceptions.    Socrates, Plato and the rest were fruitcakes.   They were in fact frauds.   WHY?  Because I have it documented in the Illuminati’s own textbook that Plato was an Avatar of the Fallen angels.    The same goes for the other “philosophers” as Philosophy was one of the Ashram Rays, a useless study as is Religion.   Jesus is about being a Christian following Jesus.  Jesus is not about Christianity or any other religion.    The KJV Is the ONLY TRUE and PERFECT word of God.  God doesn’t lie nor does he make mistakes.  He guided King James and the translators to fulfill the time of the GENTILES.  New Testament in Greek, Old Testament in Hebrew and NT in Greek.   Hebrew (Massoretic Text), and NT In Greek to filfill the time of the Gentiles until Jesus takes the Throne.  NOT SANANDA or as he is known as Yeshua…….the big deception.   yet to come.   


A Brief History of the King James Bible

By Dr. Laurence M. Vance

As the reign of Elizabeth (1558-1603) was coming to a close, we find a draft for an act of Parliament for a new version of the Bible: “An act for the reducing of diversities of bibles now extant in the English tongue to one settled vulgar translated from the original.” The Bishop’s Bible of 1568, although it may have eclipsed the Great Bible, was still rivaled by the Geneva Bible. Nothing ever became of this draft during the reign of Elizabeth, who died in 1603, and was succeeded by James 1, as the throne passed from the Tudors to the Stuarts. James was at that time James VI of Scotland, and had been for thirty-seven years. He was born during the period between the Geneva and the Bishop’s Bible.

One of the first things done by the new king was the calling of the Hampton Court Conference in January of 1604 “for the hearing, and for the determining, things pretended to be amiss in the church.” Here were assembled bishops, clergymen, and professors, along with four Puritan divines, to consider the complaints of the Puritans. Although Bible revision was not on the agenda, the Puritan president of Corpus Christi College, John Reynolds, “moved his Majesty, that there might be a new translation of the Bible, because those which were allowed in the reigns of Henry the eighth, and Edward the sixth, were corrupt and not answerable to the truth of the Original.”

The king rejoined that he:

“Could never yet see a Bible well translated in English; but I think that, of all, that of Geneva is the worst. I wish some special pains were taken for an uniform translation, which should be done by he best learned men in both Universities, then reviewed by the Bishops, presented to the Privy Council, lastly ratified by the Royal authority, to be read in the whole Church, and none other.”

Accordingly, a resolution came forth:

“That a translation be made of the whole Bible, as consonant as can be to the original Hebrew and Greek; and this to be set out and printed, without any marginal notes, and only to be used in all churches of England in time of divine service.”

The next step was the actual selection of the men who were to perform the work. In July of 1604, James wrote to Bishop Bancroft that he had “appointed certain learned men, to the number of four and fifty, for the translating of the Bible.” These men were the best biblical scholars and linguists of their day. In the preface to their completed work it is further stated that “there were many chosen, that were greater in other men’s eyes than in their own, and that sought the truth rather than their own praise. Again, they came or were thought to come to the work, learned, not to learn.” Other men were sought out, according to James, “so that our said intended translation may have the help and furtherance of all our principal learned men within this our kingdom.”

Although fifty-four men were nominated, only forty-seven were known to have taken part in the work of translation. The translators were organized into six groups, and met respectively at Westminster, Cambridge, and Oxford. Ten at Westminster were assigned Genesis through 2 Kings; seven had Romans through Jude. At Cambridge, eight worked on 1 Chronicles through Ecclesiastes, while seven others handled the Apocrypha. Oxford employed seven to translate Isaiah through Malachi; eight occupied themselves with the Gospels, Acts, and Revelation.


How is the Bible inspired? What does it mean for the Bible to be inspired?

The biblical view of inspiration is found in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that reads, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” The phrase “breathed out by God” is from the Greek word theopneustos, which literally means “God breathed.” To say the Bible is inspired by God means that its words are an extension of God Himself, revealing His teachings for our lives today.

Because the Bible is inspired, it serves as the source of help for many areas of the Christian life. Second Timothy 3:16 notes four areas. First, inspired Scripture is important for teaching. As a young minister, Timothy was being reminded of the importance of using Scripture, rather than personal opinions, as the basis for teaching. Second, inspired Scripture is useful for reproof or pointing out wrong. Since Scripture is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), it shows both the positive and the negative in our lives. Third, it is useful for correction. Inspired Scripture not only points out our wrongs, but also shows how to correct our course and do what is right. Fourth, Scripture is important for training in righteousness. Just as an athlete must regularly prepare and train to succeed in a sport, a believer must regularly train by studying God’s Word in order to grow in understanding and succeed in living for Christ.

Second Peter 1:21 also supports the inspiration of the Bible: “For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” Here we find evidence that the Scripture was not something created by human writers, but something from God. Yes, God did utilize the abilities and personalities of the human writers, but directly communicated His message through them for our benefit.

In fact, Jesus taught, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished” (Matthew 5:17-18 NIV). The least stroke of a pen in Hebrew at that time was the letter yod that looks like a single quotation mark in English (‘). Jesus made clear that God’s inspiration extends to every dot and letter of every written word He has revealed. As a result, we should care about what God is communicating in every aspect of Scripture. Time spent in God’s Word is time spent listening to what God has spoken.

There are many important teachings that result from the inspiration of God’s Word. Since God’s Word is inspired, and God is perfect, His words must be perfect. Theologians often refer to this as the inerrancy of Scripture. Because God holds all authority and the Bible is from God, then the Bible is authoritative for our lives.

God’s Word is breathed by God and is inspired. As a result, we are to submit our lives to its teachings as it reveals God’s will for our lives today.


Has the Bible been corrupted, changed, or tampered with?

How do we know the books of the Bible have not been corrupted? The books of the Old Testament were written from approximately 1400 to 400 B.C. The books of the New Testament were written from approximately A.D. 40 to 96. Over 1,900 years have passed since the completion of the Bible’s final book. No known original manuscripts remain. Instead, we have copies of copies of copies. Can we still trust the Bible?

The Bible says that, when God originally inspired the biblical writers, its words were God-breathed and inspired (2 Timothy 3:16-17; John 17:17). The Bible does not make this same claim regarding copies of the original manuscripts. Even with the best efforts of Jewish scribes and Christian writers, occasional differences would make their way into a copy, spreading from a single copy to other, future copies. This was the pattern until the widespread use of the printing press in the 1500s.

Yet the Bible has maintained an excellent degree of preservation over the centuries. Entire copies of the New Testament are still in existence from the fourth century (two important ones include Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus). Their contents help us to confirm the earliest wordings in nearly every instance. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the twentieth century provided copies of almost every book of the Old Testament from the third century B.C. to the first century A.D. Despite minor differences, the Old Testament text has remained amazingly intact.

Further, the abundance of biblical manuscripts allows us to decipher which reading among the various differences is the correct one in virtually every instance. For example, over 5,800 copies of Greek New Testament manuscripts exist today. These manuscripts can be evaluated by date, quality, and other factors to determine which readings are most likely. In over 99 percent of the cases, textual scholars are in strong agreement.

Suggestions that the Bible has been revised, edited, or tampered with are not based on the historical facts. The sheer volume of biblical manuscripts makes it possible to recognize any attempts to distort its words. There are no essential doctrines of the Bible that are in doubt as a result of the minor differences that exist between manuscripts.

Can we trust the Bible? Absolutely! God has preserved His Word with astounding accuracy. We can have utmost confidence that the Bible we have today is the same Bible God originally intended. The Bible is accurate, and we can trust it for our lives today (2 Timothy 3:16; Matthew 5:18).

Is the Bible really the Word of God?

There’s no doubt that this is an important question. If the Bible is the Word of God, it changes everything – the way we view life, the way we live life, and the choices we make. If the Bible is the Word of God, then the Bible is true, and failure to follow, obey and trust it will have eternal consequences. To ignore God’s Word is to ignore God Himself.

God’s love is proved by the existence of the Bible. God did not have to communicate to mankind, but He chose to so that we could know Him, enjoy fellowship with Him, and understand ourselves and the world. If He had not taken the first step to reveal Himself to us through His Word, we simply would not know Him, and we would be left to deduce what we could about the world from what we could sense. But God has graciously shown us the Truth, and it is contained in the Bible. Since God is our Creator (Isaiah 40:28), He is our authority (Isaiah 43:15), and His Word is the final authority for humankind, and the only entirely trustworthy moral litmus test (1 John 2:5). It explains life and death and gives us a clear understanding of right and wrong.

So, how do we know for sure that the Bible we have is the actual Word of God? Could the Bible be just another holy book? What is the evidence that the Bible we buy in the bookstore today is truly the Word of God? First, the Bible itself claims to be the Word of God, in 2 Timothy 3:15-17, which says “and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

This is an example of an “internal” evidence that the Bible is the Word of God. Internal evidences are those things stated within the Bible that claim its divine origin. A few other internal evidences are the unity of the Bible, the fulfilled prophecies in the Bible, and the unique, powerful authority of the Bible.

The unity of the Bible means that, even though it was written by more than 40 different authors over three continents, in three different languages, and is comprised of 66 individual documents, it is cohesive down to the last detail. Every supposed contradiction in the Bible can be answered in a satisfactory way. There are no mistakes, and it all works together perfectly. That’s a miracle!

The fulfilled prophecies in the Bible also indicate that it is God’s Word. Hundreds of prophecies about future kingdoms and nations, and most importantly, the Messiah, were spoken forth and then fulfilled, sometimes hundreds of years later. This is all recorded within the Bible itself. Unlike many modern prophecies, the prophecies in Scripture are very detailed and are fulfilled exactly. There is no way this happened by chance. The only answer is that the Bible is of divine origin.

The Bible’s unique authority and power is another internal evidence for its divine origin. This power is revealed by the millions of lives that have been changed by it over the course of human history. Martyrs have given their lives up to preserve its truth. Sinners throughout the ages have been convicted and changed by it, broken hearts have been healed by God’s comforting voice coming through its pages, and salvation has been graciously made available through its record of the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. No other book in human history has the power to change lives like the Bible, the Word of the God who created life.

In addition to the internal evidences, there are also external evidences that the Bible is God’s Word. The Bible’s historicity, the integrity of its human authors, and its indestructibility.

The “historicity of the Bible” means it is true and accurate to the historical events recorded by non-religious sources. Archaeological events and historical writings prove the Bible to be true. It is the best-documented book from the ancient world. The accurate historical records found in the Bible give us proof of its truthfulness about spiritual subjects.

The integrity of its human authors is another external evidence of its truthfulness. When the lives of the authors of Scripture are studied, they are found to be honest men. Their willingness to die for what they believed shows that they were sure of their testimonies. Those who wrote the New Testament (and hundreds of others) had seen Jesus Christ after He rose from the dead. If they had been lying about seeing Him, there is no doubt that at least one of them would have been unwilling to die for what he believed to be false. But all the apostles, without exception, remained true to their testimonies until the end of their lives (1 Corinthians 15:6).

The indestructibility of the Bible is another strong evidence that it is indeed God’s Word. Because of its offensive message, which in contrast to every other religion humbles man’s ability to save himself and provides the need for God’s grace instead (Ephesians 2:8-9), the Bible has endured more attacks and attempts to eliminate it than any other book in history. From the early Romans, to the communist dictators, to the atheists and agnostics of modernism and postmodernism, the Bible has survived and is still published more than any other book worldwide.

Over the ages, scoffers have called the Bible a myth, but archeological records have proved its historicity. Others have denounced its teachings as outdated and useless, but its positive impact on the moral and legal systems of cultures around the world is undeniable. Scientists, psychologists and politicians continue to attack the Bible, but its truth has never been disproven and its light has never been snuffed out. It continues to change lives and cultures just as it did 2,000 years ago. God supernaturally protects the Bible, proving that it is indeed His Word, just as it claims to be. Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (Mark 13:31). When all the evidence is before us, there is no doubt that the Bible is truly the Word of God.


This Will SHOCK You! (Watch it in FULL screen!)


THE NEW EYE OPENER 200 changes examined


The Real Bible Version Issue EXPOSED! (Full HD Video)


Facts about Westcott and Hort

Brooke Foss Westcott [1825-1901] and Fenton John Anthony Hort [1828-1892] were the two English “scholars” who produced the corrupt Greek text of the modern versions. Their dominating influence on the revision committee of 1871-1881 accounts for most of the corruption that we have today in modern translations. The Bible believer should keep several points in mind when discussing these two men. The following information is well documented in Final Authority, by William Grady, and in Riplinger’s New Age Bible Versions:

1. Together, the Life and Letters of Brooke Foss Westcott and the Life and Letters of Fenton John Anthony Hort run over 1,800 pages. A personal salvation testimony is not given once for either man, and the name “Jesus” is found only nine times!

2. Westcott was a firm believer in Mary worship, and Hort claimed that Mary worship had a lot in common with Jesus worship.

3. Hort believed in keeping Roman Catholic sacraments.

4. Hort believed in baptismal regeneration as taught in the Catholic church.

5. Hort rejected the infallibility of Scripture.

6. Hort took great interest in the works of Charles Darwin, while both he and Westcott rejected the literal account of Creation.

7. Westcott did not believe in the Second Coming of Christ, the Millennium, or a literal Heaven.

8. Both men rejected the doctrine of a literal Hell, and they supported prayers for the dead in purgatory.

9. Hort refused to believe in the Trinity.

10. Hort refused to believe in angels.

11. Westcott confessed that he was a communist by nature.

12. Hort confessed that he hated democracy in all it’s forms.

13. Westcott also did his share of beer drinking. In fact, only twelve years after the Revised Version was published, Westcott was a spokesman for a brewery.

14. While working on their Greek text [1851-1871,] and while working on the Revision Committee for the Revised Version [1871-1881,] Westcott and Hort were also keeping company with “seducing spirits and doctrines of devils” [I Tim. 4:1.] Both men took great interest in occult practices and clubs. They started the Hermes Club in 1845, the Ghostly Guild in 1851, and Hort joined a secret club called The Apostles in the same year. They also started the Eranus Club in 1872. These were spiritualists groups which believed in such unscriptural practices as communicating with the dead [necromancy.]

15. The Westcott and Hort Greek text was SECRETLY given to the Revision Committee.

16. The members of the Revision Committee of 1881 were sworn to a pledge of secrecy in regard to the new Greek text being used, and they met in silence for ten years.

17. The corrupt Greek text of Westcott and Hort was not released to the public until just five days before the debut of the Revised Version. This prevented Bible-believing scholars like Dean Burgon from reviewing it and exposing it for the piece of trash that it was.


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